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Explosive risk mitigation project support staff in Somalia

SafeLane's operations require teams of dedicated staff to provide life support: discover what makes the Somalian team world class.

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Explosive risk mitigation in Somalia - thank you to the world class support staff

SafeLane Global is currently operational in 16 nations, providing multiple services including explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), training and mentoring, improvised explosive device disposal (IEDD) and detection and protection canine services to name a few.  

As well as dedicated subject specialists, every project requires a team of camp support staff who work hard to ensure the day-to-day running of living facilities is excellent.

When coming back from a recent project visit to Somalia, the UK HQ team were full of admiration for their hard-working support staff colleagues who strive in the background to ensure their EOD, IEDD and canine training colleagues are well looked after.

It was noted how the support team work tirelessly and take pride in everything they do.

Laundry room at a Somali camp

The team work so hard to make things as comfortable as possible for their colleagues and have even planted a small herb and vegetable garden they tend to during their down time.

Somalia vegetable garden

The UK team all commented on how delicious the food was.  Management accountant Marta had particularly enjoyed a chilli and lime dressing that accompanied one of her meals and made sure to let the kitchen team know she was enjoying it.  It didn’t go unnoticed that this dressing started to appear at almost every meal!

A big well done and thank you to the kitchen team in Somalia for fuelling everyone with delicious meals.

HQ representatives were full of admiration at the obvious pride that ran through the camp – the Somalian team had even created their own SafeLane sign!  SafeLane’s values are integrity, passion, quality, and professionalism and it is clear that everyone out in Somalia is living by these values.

SafeLane Global would like to thank you all for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to achieving this critical mission in Somalia.

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