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Kuwait land release project visit

HQ team members Alice and Joe visited SafeLane's land release project in Kuwait to learn from their colleagues in the field; here they explain the value of such project visits.

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HQ staff recently visited colleagues who are releasing land from unexploded ordnance contamination in Kuwait

Project Executive Alice and Management Accountant Joe have shared their stories from a recent project visit to Kuwait. 

These visits bring so much value to UK HQ team members, enabling them to build on relationships and improve their understanding of the realities of operations.

This particular visit was undertaken pre-coronavirus travel restrictions, which SafeLane is adhering to fully.  Currently it is making effective use of technology to keep in touch with the field staff conducting critical operations globally.   

Alice Taylor’s feedback

I’m a Project Executive here at SafeLane and I support international operations. 

The purpose of my trip to Kuwait was to re-visit a project that I’ve supported since inception, during the final stages of operations.  My first visit was in March 2019 while the team was completing their training. 

It was great to go back and see the unexploded ordnance (UXO) investigations and land release in full swing.

My main priority from the visit was to capture feedback from the field - via conversations and observations – to help compile the ‘lessons learned’ report that we produce upon successful demobilisation of a project. 

This crucial information ensures SafeLane is best positioned when managing future projects and preparing bids for tenders.

It was wonderful to spend face-to-face time with our team and the other Kuwaiti contacts that I’ve made over the year of operations.  It further strengthened relationships and developed solid friendships. 

Having the chance to visit the projects I support is a wonderful opportunity – and it’s truly beneficial to the role I play supporting our guys on the ground.  I have a clearer understanding of the hard work they undertake, the sometimes harsh conditions, and the dedication they all demonstrate on a daily basis.

Alice Taylor trying out a non intrusive survey in the desert during a project visit to Kuwait.

Joe Plant's feedback

I’m a Management Accountant here at SafeLane.  I support our international projects.  It’s sometimes hard to imagine the reality of a project when you’re mainly looking at numbers on a screen though. 

So, one purpose of my visit to Kuwait was to see operations I support, in person, and to understand the scale of the work being done.  Another purpose of my trip was to meet our current bank manager and our tax adviser in Kuwait.  We had a lot to discuss, it was nice to put a face to the daily email conversations! 

I enjoyed my visit hugely; I found going to the project really helped me understand how vast it actually is. 

As you can see from the picture below, I got to use our SenSYS detection kit too which was especially cool – and I met the entire project team which was great.  Building a more personal relationship, especially with the management team has been so beneficial.

Joe Plant trying out a non intrusive survey in the desert during a project visit to Kuwait.

Finally, the meetings with our bank and tax advisers were also very successful.  All my questions got answered, and I learned so much more from them than I would have if I’d asked the questions via email or over the phone.

There are so many advantages to working at SafeLane – and getting the chance for international travel is definitely one of the best perks for me.

Camels in the desert of Kuwait

Continual learning and development to benefit future clients

Project visits provide team members with continual professional development.  This means that SafeLane is always able to build on successes and learn vital lessons to improve future operations

If you have an upcoming project and unexploded ordnance could pose a risk, contact the team today.

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