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Russia’s history of conflict has left a legacy of unexploded ordnance, particularly near border areas. Annually Russia destroys 100,000 explosive items.

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Like many European countries, Russia has a long history of conflict and it has left a legacy of unexploded ordnance, particularly around its border areas.

According to the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, clearance operations in Russia destroy about 100,000 explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mines every year.

When one of SafeLane’s international clients encountered unexploded ordnance in November 2019 at a construction site, they were unsure whether it was WWII ordnance or a legacy of the more recent disputes with Ukraine.

The client sent pictures of the find from Russia to SafeLane's UK offices to help manage the problem.

SafeLane's expert explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team immediately identified the ordnance, which dated from the 1950s.  It was manufactured later than WWII but had clearly been in the ground for over 20 years. 

Using open source satellite maps, SafeLane’s research team discovered the construction site was located close to a complex of buildings that looked like a military camp.

Concluding that the area was likely to have been used for live firing and military exercises, SafeLane was asked by the client to produce a full desktop study to evaluate the risk and identify risk mitigation methods.

Along with many critical factors, the desktop study considered the depths of planned project construction activities compared to bomb penetration depths.  SafeLane gave its expert recommendations to minimise risks, protect workers and help the client keep their project on time and budget.

To discuss the likelihood of encountering UXO on your construction site, no matter where in the world you're working, SafeLane is the end-to-end service provider for solving explosive risk problems.  Contact us today for a free consultation.

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