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Celebrating Armed Forces Day

Ahead of Britain's Armed Forces Day, we would like to say 'thank you' to the exceptional individuals who make up the armed forces community.

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Celebrating Armed Forces Day

Many nations observe an Armed Forces Day to honour their military personnel - it's the perfect opportunity for people to say 'thank you' to currently serving troops, their families, veterans and cadets - thank you for defending the realm, for sacrificing civilian freedoms, for bravely and selflessly facing danger.

Armed forces personnel have the complete and unwavering respect of everyone at SafeLane, which is a very proud supporter of the Armed Forces Covenant and a bronze Employer Recognition Scheme award winner for its proven commitment to defence personnel and their families.

SafeLane's deep association with the armed forces is explained by Global Operations Support Manager Lloyd Comer, a former Royal Engineer Commando: 

SafeLane is a company that is hugely supportive of service leavers.   The company management team is predominantly ex-military with more than 125 years collective service.  This provides an enviable understanding of military life and the transition to civilian employment."

How SafeLane supports service leavers

SafeLane is significantly peopled by service leavers - they bring a unique combination of bravery, commitment and good humour to a wide variety of roles across a global portfolio of projects.

Explaining how SafeLane actively supports them with employment opportunities, CEO and former Royal Engineer Adam Ainsworth explains: 

SafeLane Global is a people-focussed, forward-thinking organisation and we rely on the huge experience and inherent discipline of service leavers from multiple nations.  They are a key part of who we are and what we do as we remediate land and marine environments contaminated by explosive threats.  At SafeLane, service leavers can find equally rewarding second careers in roles that utilise their hard earned skills and further develops their talents."

Adam's statement is underpinned by former Royal Navy member Tony Thompson who says:

“As a Project Manager running Multi-Task Mine Action Teams in Western Sahara, its crucial to have the support and trust of a company such as SafeLane, a company that has a great outlook.  It's a company that not only understands us and the conditions and challenges we work under, but also allows recently demobilised ex-servicemen and women to develop their skills.  From experience on contract with other companies, I actually thought that as companies become more successful they lose the closeness and the connection between HQ and the field - but I have been proven wrong with SafeLane."

Find friends and a rewarding future

SafeLane employs former armed services personnel from multiple nations on its global portfolio of projects - for example from Germany, the US, Nepal, South Africa, Croatia, Australia, Ivory Coast - and the UK of course.

Roles available are extremely far ranging: they include IED operators, EOD mentors, combat engineers, rapid response team members, medics, vets, logistics personnel and canine handlers.

There’s a welcome and a home at SafeLane for all service leavers - as Senior Site Manager and former Royal Engineer Andrew Jackson explains:

“I've served with both The British Army and SafeLane Global for over 10 years each.  I can honestly say that the feeling of being a valued team member, and the camaraderie that goes with that, is equally strong in both organisations.  I have very much been able to take the skills learnt in the Armed Forces and apply them at SafeLane…..It was a natural progression for me."

His view is shared by Operations Support Executive Debbie Carr, a former serving member of the Royal Logistics Corps:

"At SafeLane, service leavers find old friends, like-minded people, camaraderie and a great team spirit."

So, if you’re a former or currently serving member of the armed forces, and:

  • You’re contemplating your future and looking for ongoing opportunities and positive challenges,
  • You want to work for a company that appreciates your service to the country,
  • That values the skills you’ve acquired through your first career,
  • That understands and values you,

SafeLane would love to hear from you - contact us...

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