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International Mine Awareness Day 2019

For International Mine Awareness Day SafeLane's Western Sahara team delivered a mine risk education and medical training session for local Saharawi children.

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International Mine Awareness Day

The 4th of April is International Mine Awareness Day.

International Mine Awareness Day

It’s a day to reflect on the devastating impact these lethal munitions continue to have, whilst considering ways to make a positive difference by supporting the clearing of contaminated communities.

If you’re in any doubt as to the ongoing impact of the problem caused by mines:

  • The annual rate of landmine and explosive remnants of war (ERW) casualties has increased
  • The rate of child casualties is at an all-time high
  • And 78 countries are still contaminated with landmines

SafeLane’s worked in most of them - protecting communities by safely removing mines and other unexploded ordnance (UXO) from land and marine environments.

And on April the 4th every year, on all projects…

– from those in Afghanistan to Yemen via Somalia, South Sudan and even the Falklands

SafeLane staff take time out to lead mine risk education events for children in the communities in which they’re working.

International Mine Awareness Day

For example, this year in Western Sahara SafeLane's Project Manager Tony Thompson and the Community Liaison Team coordinated and delivered a mine risk education and medical training session which was then followed by a lunch and volleyball and football games with local Saharawi children and UN Staff…

It was a really successful day and Tony was really happy with the turnout and reception.

To ensure as many participants could attend the event as possible, SafeLane coordinated transport for women and children to travel from camps to the event in Tifariti.

The team will be conducting additional mine risk education at the children’s school this coming Saturday when they return on the 5th April from a local holiday.

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